Earn Premium RPM’s with Facebook (Up to $3.50)

We are currently paying our clients with Facebook groups and pages up to $3.50cpm for posting links. If you have a decent following on Facebook or any other social media network then get in touch to take advantage of these premium cpm’s/rpm’s.

How do I build a good Facebook Group/Page?

Facebook groups can be a valuable platform for earning money if utilized effectively. Here are some ways you can monetize your Facebook groups:

Create a niche community: Build a Facebook group around a specific topic or interest. Engage with members and provide valuable content to attract a dedicated community.

Promote affiliate products: Join affiliate programs and share relevant products or services within the group. Earn a commission when group members make purchases through your affiliate links.

Sell your own products: If you have your own products or services, leverage the group to promote and sell them. Offer exclusive discounts or bonuses to group members to encourage sales.

Provide premium content: Offer premium content or resources exclusively to group members. You can charge a membership fee or offer a subscription-based model for access to this content.

Organize paid events or webinars: Host events or webinars within the group and charge an entry fee. Share valuable insights, knowledge, or training related to the group’s niche.

Offer group coaching or consulting: If you have expertise in a particular area, provide personalized coaching or consulting services to group members. Offer packages or one-on-one sessions at a fee.

Collaborate with brands or businesses: As your group grows, you can collaborate with relevant brands or businesses. Negotiate sponsored posts, brand partnerships, or sponsored content within the group.

Run paid advertisements: Once your group has a substantial number of members, you can approach advertisers or businesses interested in reaching your audience. Charge a fee for promoting their products or services within the group.

Building a successful Facebook group takes time and effort. Focus on providing value, fostering engagement, and growing an active community. As your group gains popularity, you’ll have more opportunities to monetize it effectively.